Shiny apps with GNIP data

February 21, 2021

(in progress)

This is a collection of links to basic Shiny apps using data from the Global Networks of Isotopes in Precipitaion (IAEA/WMO, 2020). Apps are hosted on, and some of the code can be found across my GitHub repos.

Level 0

My very first app uses the RStudio sample Shiny code to create an adjustable histogram, with data from GNIP instead of “Old Faithful” sample data. This demonstrates a deployed app using data from a .csv included in the app folder.

See histogram with a single variable

Time series and x-y

After trying out a few more basic concepts, I wrote this app using ggplot code from my previous post. Users can filter by country and date range, choose a y-axis for a time series plot, and choose axis variables for an x-y plot.

See customizable plots
