Tools for poster reference lists

A brief description of my process

January 8, 2025

Most of us, when we’re browsing a poster hall, are attracted to posters with minimal text. One way to reduce word count is to use numbered references rather than in-line citations, and abbreviate the reference list or move it off of the poster and use a QR code that links to a public document. My most recent poster for AGU24 includes seven authors and 26 references, and the workflow described below saved me some effort. I hope someone finds these suggestions useful!

small image of the poster linked above, please refer to PDF for poster text

All of the collaborative note taking and text development happened in a single Google Doc. I use Zotero with Google Docs and added references as we wrote the poster text. Whenever we made changes to the poster layout, I made sure that the order of text in the document was consistent, and included figure captions and citations within the captions. By keeping the layout document (which only one co-author and I could access) and shared Google Doc in sync, we also had all the content available to reformat into specific web documents, like AGU’s iPoster.

screenshot from Google Docs showing the process with text with bracketed numbered captions

In the past, I have exported multiple versions of my reference list in order to have the citations numbered on the poster and formatted the way I liked on the web. Zotero comes with several popular formats preloaded; the IEEE format produces a numbered list with brackets, and I typically use different formats from my field’s journals for reference lists. This time, I created a new citation style lanugage (CSL) file that combines the numbered citations with AGU’s reference style. I specified my new style in the Google Doc, and I was able to update the citation numbers automatically when re-arranging the poster. Without Zotero and my custom style, I’d either have had to manually re-number my citations on the poster and re-order them on the reference list, or add hundreds of characters to my poster with parenthetical citations.

Here’s the important part of that custom CSL:

      <key variable="citation-number"/>
    <layout delimiter=", ">
      <group prefix="[" suffix="]" delimiter=", ">
        <text variable="citation-number"/>
        <text macro="citation-locator"/>
  <bibliography hanging-indent="false" et-al-min="8" et-al-use-first="6" entry-spacing="1" line-spacing="1">
      <!-- Citation Number -->
      <text variable="citation-number" prefix="[" suffix="] "/>
      <!-- Rest of Citation -->

When the text was finalized, I pasted the numbered reference list from my Google Doc onto this page and created a QR code (I use qrcode monkey) to add to the poster.

If you’d like to see more poster advice, you can let me know by leaving a reply on Bluesky!